• Mercury, stable isotopes, and fish: piecing together the fish and mercury story
    • Andrew Cyr (CFOS, Wildlife Toxicology Lab)
    • April 05, 2019

Slush fest? Dust the bike off for a ride? Play hooky to leave early for a long weekend in the mountains? Bah. Why waste your time with fun things like that?! Instead, come experience true enlightenment by listening to a long-winded and banal seminar by Andrew Cyr, an academically protracted Fisheries student with the Wildlife Toxicology Lab. That’s right, skip the sunshine and come learn how the engineering world just might actually blend with the biology, fisheries, and toxicology worlds. Come hear how mercury levels in fish are linked to their feeding ecology, age, where they live, or sometimes how we don’t really know! Learn some new buzz words and phrases like “driver”, “biomagnification”, or “chemical feeding ecology”. Come learn how isotopes are important for more than just nuclear reactors and bombs, and how we can actually use them in ecological research! And the best part, come learn how perfectly safe Alaskan fish are for consumption!

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