• The Science and Practice of Happiness and Wellbeing
    • Dr. Matthew Wooller (Director, Alaska Stable Isotope Facility)
    • February 04, 2019

Please note the special day and time & place for this first seminar of the spring semester!

Happiness 101: A story, thus far, about developing a "Science & Practice of Happiness & Wellbeing" on-line class at UAF

The intensity associated with academic life (as students, staff and faculty) can easily result in diminished self-care. In the north, seasonal affective disorder, the challenges associated with living in a northern climate, and the distance from many our family and friends can impose additional and significant strain on our happiness and wellbeing. This presentation describes the story, thus far, of developing an online class that will present (a little) science about specific actions that can promote happiness and wellbeing amongst the challenges and adventures of living and thriving in the north. This class will engage participants in practices, from very early on in the class, which promote happiness and wellbeing and will introduce interdisciplinary scientific research underpinning these practices. Topics and practices will draw from areas of philosophy, physiology, neuroscience, physical activity, psychology, ancestral knowledge, mindfulness, behavior and diet. Participants in the class will apply practices that promote happiness and wellbeing in their own lives and share their experiences with others.

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