During the 2015 spring breakup, major flooding from the Sag River washed out sections of the Dalton Highway. To remediate against future flooding, an effort has been put forth to bring the road surface above the flood plain. In order to increase the height of the road, aggregate was pulled from the Sag River in the form of two parallel trenches (cells) by ADOT (Alaska Department of Transportation) &PF (Public Facilities) and their contractor, Cruz Construction during the summer of 2018. Both trenches were to extend roughly 3000 ft. with a width of 300 ft. and a target depth of 20 ft. at one braid of the river, near the road. Over time, these trenches will likely be filled by upstream sediment. In assessing how long it takes these trenches to refill the SRH-2D (Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Two-Dimensional) finite element model, and the graphic user interface SMS (Surface-water Modeling Software), were used in conjunction with inputs of historical discharge from the USGS station # 15908000 . Two scenarios were considered at the onset of the summer season, from the start of June to the end of September. The first scenario was the year where the max discharge was the largest and the second scenario was the year where the overall discharge volume was the largest. Initial results suggest that it will take multiple years before each trench is completely recharged. Overall, the goal is to determine the time period for the trenches to be restored with sediment from the respective hydrograph inputs.
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