Umiat Corridor Project
Chandler River Bluff Hydrometeorologic Station (DUS3)

Station Information

Site Description

Station Name: Chandler River Bluff Station
Location: Chandler River, near Umiat
Coordinates: 69 15.664, 151 23.787 (WGS 84)
Elevation: 100 m


  • Elevation reference: GEOID model

Station History

  • Site Commissioned: 05/17/2009


Sensor Details:

  • Images: CC640 Digital Camera (2)
    • Image Trigger Interval : 30-minutes
    • Image Retrieval Interval : One every hour
  • Air Temperature: HMP45C Vaisala AT/RH sensor
    • RH Accuracy @20°C: 62% RH ( 0-90%), 63% RH (90-100%)
    • Temperature Accuracy: 60.2°C at 20°C; 60.4°C at -40°C
    • Operating Range: -40°C to +60°C
    • RH Range: 0 to 100%
    • Installation: In 12-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated
    • Height: 2 meters (6.6 feet)
    • Output Units: °C
    • Scan Interval: 60 seconds
  • Barometric Pressure : CSI Model CS106 Vaisala PTB110 Barometer
    • Installation: inside the datalogger enclosure
    • Height: about 1.5 m
    • Output Units: hPa (mb)
    • Scan Interval: Hourly
  • Water Level : Aquistar SDI12 Water Level Sensor (15 and 5 psi-gauge pressure + temperature)
    • Resolution: 16 bit,
    • Accuracy: ± 0.06% FSO (typical)
    • Operating Range: -5° C to 70° C
    • Installation:
  • Summer Precipitation: Texas Electronics TE525MM (Tipping Bucket Gauge)
    • Resolution (1 Tip) : 0.004 in (0.1 mm)
    • Accuracy: ±1% at rates up to 1"/hr
    • Installation: wind shield
    • Height: 1 m
  • Snow Depth: Campbell Scientific SR50 (sonic ranging sensor)
    • Operating Range: 0.5 to 10 meters
    • Resolution: 0.1 mm
    • Accuracy: to 1 cm or 0.4 percent of distance to target
    • Installation: Point straight down on a flat surface
    • Height: ~1.5 m
  • Net Radiation: Kipp and Zonen NR-Lite
    • Installation: Orient to south to minimize shadow effect from pole.
    • Accuracy: Varies with temperature, wind speed and sensor symmetry
    • Height: ~1 m
  • Soil Temperature (ST1,ST2,ST3) GWS YSI Series 44033 (Thermistors)
    • Depths: <1cm (surface), at top of soil interface, 3 thermistors
  • Datalogger: Campbell Scientific CR1000
    • Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +85°C
  • Radio: Freewave FGR-115RC
    • Frequency: 900 MHz Spread Spectrum
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