Related Regional References

Cooper, L.W., C. Solis, D.L. Kane and L.D. Hinzman. 1993. Application of Oxygen-18 Tracer Technique to Arctic Hydrologic Processes. Arctic and Alpine Research, 25(3):247-255.

Everett, K.R., D.L. Kane and L.D. Hinzman. 1996. Surface Water Chemistry and Hydrology of a Small Arctic Drainage Basin. J. Reynolds and J. Tenhunen (eds) Landscape Function: Implications for Ecosystem Response to Disturbance. A Case Study in Arctic Tundra. Springer-Verlag, Ecologic Studies Series. 185-201.

Goering, D. J., H. Chen, L. D. Hinzman and D. L. Kane. 1995. Removal of Terrain Effects from SAR Satellite Imagery of Alaskan Tundra, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33(1):185-194.

Hinzman, L.D., and Vorosmarty, C. Compiled September 2000. NSF-ARCSS Workshop on Arctic System Hydrology: Meeting White Papers (screen version) National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, California. (print version)

Hinzman, L.D. M.A. Nolan, D.L. Kane, C.S. Benson, M. Sturm, G.E. Liston, J.P. McNamara, A.T. Carr and D. Yang. 2000. Estimating Snowpack Distribution over a Large Arctic Watershed. In D.L. Kane (ed) Water Resources in Extreme Environments. American Water Resources Association Proceedings. 1-3 May 2000. Anchorage, AK p. 13-18.

Hinzman, L.D., D.J. Goering and D.L. Kane. 1998. A Distributed Thermal Model for Calculating Temperature Profiles and Depth of Thaw in Permafrost Regions. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 103(D22):28,975-28,991.

Hinzman, L.D., D.W. Robinson, and D.L. Kane. 1998. A Biogeochemical Survey of an Arctic Coastal Wetland. Seventh International Conference on Permafrost. Yellowknife, Canada. June 1998. pp 459463.

Hinzman, L.D., D.J. Goering, S. Li and T.C. Kinney. 1997. Numeric Simulation of Thermokarst Formation During Disturbance. Crawford, R. M. M. Ed., Disturbance and recovery in Arctic lands: an ecological perspective Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 621. Dordrecht, the Netherlands. ISBN : 0-7923-4418-9 NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series: (NATO ASI) Partnership Sub-Series: 2 Environment Volume No. 25.

Hinzman, L.D., Kane, D.L., Benson, C.S., and Everett, K.R. (1996) Thermal and Hydrologic Processes in the Imnavait Creek Watershed. In: Landscape Function: Implications for Ecosystem Response to Disturbance. A Case Study in Arctic Tundra. J. Reynolds and J. Tenhunen Eds., Ecologic Studies, Vol. 124, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 131-154.

Hinzman, L.D., D.L. Kane, and Z. Zhang, 1995. A spatially distributed hydrologic model for arctic regions. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology. Summary Report and Proceedings. 22-26 May 1995, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Int. GEWEX Project Office Publication. Series, No. 15, Washington, D.C., 236-239.

Hinzman, L.D., D.L. Kane and K.R. Everett. 1993. Hillslope Hydrology in an Arctic Setting. Sixth International Conference on Permafrost. 5-9 July, 1993. Beijing, China.

Hinzman, L.D. and D.L. Kane. 1992. Climatic Change Impacts on Water Resources in Arctic Alaska. Northern Research Basins Conference. Whitehorse, YT Canada.

Hinzman, L.D. and D.L. Kane. 1992. Potential Response of an Arctic Watershed During a Period of Global Warming. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 97(D3):2811-2820.

Hinzman, L.D., G. Wendler, R.E. Gieck, and D.L. Kane. 1992. Snowmelt at a small Alaskan arctic watershed 1. energy related processes. Northern Research Basins Conference. Whitehorse, YT Canada.

Hinzman, L.D., D.L. Kane, C.S. Benson, and K.R. Everett. 1991. Hydrologic and Thermal Properties of the Active Layer in the Alaskan Arctic. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 19(2):95-110.

Hinzman, L.D. and D.L. Kane. 1991. Snow Hydrology of a Headwater Arctic Basin 2, Conceptual Analysis and Computer Modeling. Water Resources Research, 27(6):1111-1121.

Hinzman, L.D., D.L. Kane and R.E. Gieck. 1991. Regional snow ablation in the Alaskan Arctic. in Northern Hydrology, Selected Perspectives, NHRI Symposium No. 6, eds. T.D. Prowse and C.S.H. Ommanney. Pub. by National Hydrology Research Institute. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. p. 121-140.

International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology. Summary Report and Proceedings. 22-26 May 1995, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Int. GEWEX Project Office Publication. Series, No. 15, Washington, D.C., 236-239.

Kane, D.L., K.M. Hinkel, D.J. Goering, L.D. Hinzman and S.I. Outcalt. 2001. Non-conductive Heat Transfer Associated with Frozen Soils. Global and Planetary Change, 29:275-292.

Kane, D.L., Hinzman, L.D., McNamara, J.P., Zhang, Z., and Benson, C.S. 2000. An Overview of a Nested Watershed Study in Arctic Alaska, Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 31(4/5), pp. 245-266.

Kane, D.L., D.J. Soden, L.D. Hinzman and R.E. Gieck. 1998. Rainfall/Runoff storm response of a nested watershed in the Alaskan Arctic, Seventh International Permafrost Conference, Yellowknife, Canada. June 1998.

Kane, D.L., Gieck, R.E., and Hinzman, L.D. (1997) Snowmelt Modeling at a Small Alaskan Arctic Watershed Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 2(4), pp. 204-210.

Kane, D.L., L.D. Hinzman, H. Yu and D.J. Goering. 1996. The Use of SAR Satellite Imagery to Measure Active Layer Moisture Contents in Arctic Alaska. Nordic Hydrology. 27:25-38.

Kane, D.L. L.D. Hinzman, H. Yu and D.J. Goering. 1994. The Use of SAR satellite imagery to measure active layer moisture contents in Arctic Alaska. Tenth International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. Spitsbergen, Norway. August 28- September 3, 1994.

Kane, D.L., L.D. Hinzman and E.K. Lilly. 1993. Use of Spatially Distributed Data to Model Arctic Hydrologic Processes. Sixth International Conference on Permafrost. 5-9 July, 1993. Beijing, China.

Kane, D.L., L.D. Hinzman, M.K. Woo, and K.R. Everett. 1992. Hydrology of the Arctic: Present and Future. in S. Chapin, R. Jeffries, G. Shaver, J. Reynolds, and J. Svaboda (eds) Physiological Ecology of Arctic Plants: Implications for Climate Change. Academic Press, Inc. p 35-57.

Kane, D.L., L.D. Hinzman, C.S. Benson and G. E. Liston. 1991. Snow Hydrology of a Headwater Arctic Basin 1, Physical Measurements and Process Studies. Water Resources Research, 27(6):1099-1109.

Kane, D.L., L.D. Hinzman and J.P. Zarling. 1991. Thermal Response of the Active Layer in a Permafrost Environment to Climatic Warming. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 19(2):111-122.

Knudson, J.A., and L.D. Hinzman. 2000. Prediction of streamflow in an Alaskan watershed underlain by permafrost. In D.L. Kane (ed) Water Resources in Extreme Environments. American Water Resources Association Proceedings. 1-3 May 2000. Anchorage, AK p. 309-313.

Lilly, E.K., D.L. Kane, R.E. Gieck and L.D. Hinzman. Annual Water Balance for Three Nested Watersheds on the North Slope of Alaska. Seventh International Conference on Permafrost. Yellowknife, Canada. June 1998.

Lynch, A. H., F. S. Chapin III, L.D. Hinzman, W. Wu, E. Lilly, G. Vourlitis, E. Kim. 1998. Surface Energy Balance on the Arctic Tundra: Measurements and Models. Journal of Climate. 12(8):2585-2606.

McNamara, J.P., Kane, D.L., and Hinzman, L.D. (1999) An analysis of an arctic channel network using a digital elevation model. Geomorphology Vol. 29, pp. 339-353.

McNamara, J. P., D. L. Kane, and L. D. Hinzman. 1998. Hydrograph separations in an Arctic watershed using mixing model and graphical techniques. Water Resources Research, 33(7): 1707-1719.

McNamara, J. P., D. L. Kane, and L. D. Hinzman. 1998. An analysis of streamflow hydrology in the Kuparuk River basin, Arctic Alaska: A nested watershed approach. Journal of Hydrology, 206:39-57.

Meade, N. L.D. Hinzman and D.L. Kane. 1999. Spatial estimation of soil moisture using synthetic aperture radar in Alaska. Advances in Space Research. 24(7):935-940.

Mendez, J., Hinzman, L.D., and Kane, D.L. (1998). Evapotranspiration from a Wetland Complex on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 29 (4/5), pp. 303-330.

Morton, D. L.D. Hinzman, Z. Zhang. 1998. Coupling of Thermal and Hydrologic Models for Arctic Regions on Parallel Processing Architectures. Geocomputation '98. Bristol, UK, September, 1998.

Morton, D., Z. Zhang, L.D. Hinzman and S. O'Conner. 1998. The Parallelization of a Physically Based, Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Code for Arctic Regions. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. Atlanta, GA. 27 February - 1 March, 1998. Pp 684-689.

Oechel, W.C., G.L. Vourlitis, S.J. Hastings, R.C. Zulueta, L.D. Hinzman, D.L. Kane. 2000. Acclimation of ecosystem CO2 exchange in the Alaskan Arctic in response to decadal climate warming. Nature. 406:978-981.

Rovansek, R.J., Hinzman, L.D., and Kane, D.L. (1996) Hydrology of a Tundra Wetland Complex on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain, Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 28(3), pp. 311-317.

Rovansek, R.J., D.L. Kane, L.D.Hinzman. 1993. Improving Estimates of Snowpack Water Equivalent using Double Sampling. Eastern Snow Conference. Quebec Canada.

Villasenor, J.D., D.R. Fatland and L.D. Hinzman. 1993. Change Detection on Alaska's North Slope Using Repeat-pass ERS-1 SAR Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 31(1):227-236.

Yang, D., D.L. Kane, L.D. Hinzman, R.E. Gieck, J.P. McNamara. 2000. Hydrologic response of a nest of watersheds to an extreme rainfall event in Northern Alaska. In D.L. Kane (ed) Water Resources in Extreme Environments. American Water Resources Association Proceedings. 1-3 May 2000. Anchorage, AK p. 25-30.

Yang, D., D.L. Kane, L.D. Hinzman, B.E. Goodison, J.R. Metcalfe, P.Y.T. Louie, G.H. Leavesley, D.G. Emerson and C.L. Hanson. 2000. An evaluation of the Wyoming gauge system for snowfall measurement. Water Resources Research. 36(9):2665-2677.

Zhang, Z. D.L. Kane and L.D. Hinzman, 2000. Development and Application of a Spatially distributed arctic hydrological and thermal process model. Journal of Hydrologic Processes. 14(6):1017-1044.

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