Umiat Corridor Project
Hatbox Mesa Met Station (DUM7)
Photo Gallery

Historical Data

Note: There may be temporary shifts in the plotted data due to sensor calibration issues.

Snow Depth
Air Temperature / Relative Humidity
Summer Precipitation (mid-May through mid-September only)
Wind Speed / Direction
Soil Temperature - Surface
Soil Temperature - Subsurface
Soil Moisture - Subsurface
Diagnostics - Panel Temp & Battery Voltage

Meteorological Data Files

2010 Met Data File (.csv)
2011 Met Data File (.csv)
2012 Met Data File (.csv)
2013 Met Data File (.csv)

Soil Data Files

2010 Soil Data File (.csv)
2011 Soil Data File (.csv)
2012 Soil Data File (.csv)
2013 Soil Data File (.csv)

Copyright © 2010 Water and Environmental Research Center