Sample Preparation

Under certain circumstances samples will need to be processed prior to instrumental analysis.

  • Water samples will require acid digest when the turbidity measures above 1 NTU.
  • Solid samples will often require digestion or extraction.
  • At times detection limit requirements will require a preconcentration step such as a phase extraction and volume reduction, or a solid phase extraction.

Examples of the instrumentation the MAC has available for this type of work, as well as a few common examples, are shown below. Prior to accepting samples, the MAC will discuss sample preparation techniques with the client.

  • Analytes & Methods

    Extraction of organics from solids matrices—accelerated solvent extraction

    Extraction for organics from liquid samples (also preconcentration)—solid phase extraction

    Extraction of metal ions from solids and high turbidity water samples—microwave digestion

  • Available Instrumentation

    • Analytikjena Speed wave microwave digestion instrument
      (Duck 241)
    • Thermo accelerated solvent extraction instruments (ASE 350 and Extreva ASE)
      (ELIF 318 & 320)
    • Dionex Auto trace 280 solid phase extraction instrument
      (ELIF 211)


  Internal/UA clients External clients
Filtration for dissolved metals $10 $15
Digestion for high turbidity water $15 Setup* $25 $30 Setup* $45
Digestion for solid samples $20 Setup* $30 $30 Setup* $40
Solvent extraction of solids Contact MAC Contact MAC
Filtration required for dissolved Contact MAC Contact MAC

The costs shown above is an estimate, and will be discussed and agreed upon prior to sample analysis.

*A flat rate will be charged for this and is independent of the number of ions requested.
Setup cost reflects the cost of calibration, duplicates, augmented samples, and QC checks.

Contact us

For further inquiries, or to request an estimate, please email Shane Billings at