Liquid Chromatography

High performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) is available within the MAC laboratories. HPLC/MS offers an alternative technique for the analysis of organic compounds that struggle with, or are incompatible with, GC/MS. Examples of such compounds include water soluble organics with little or no vapor pressure, heat sensitive compounds such as some biomolecules, and PFAS/PFOS compounds. HPLC/MS is capable of both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  • Analytes & Methods

    Nonvolatile organics such as sugars and salt formulations of various herbicides

    Biomolecules such as proteins, peptides, carbohydrates, and lipids

    Perfluorinated and polyfluorinated compounds

  • Available Instrumentation

    • Thermo Vanquish HPLC with Thermo TSQ Altis Plus MS (Triple quad)
      (JUB 211)


  Internal/UA clients External clients
Analysis for one compound $200 $300
Additional compounds (each) $20 $30
Set-up* $200 $300
Dilution and reanalysis* $100 $150

The costs shown above are estimates, and will be discussed and agreed upon prior to sample analysis.

*A flat rate will be charged for this and is independent of the number of ions requested.
Setup cost reflects the cost of calibration, duplicates, augmented samples, and QC checks.
When sample results exceed the instrument calibration range, a dilution and reanalysis will be required.

Contact us

For further inquiries, or to request an estimate, please email Shane Billings at