Ion and Nutrient Analysis—Anions

Anion and nutrient analysis may be done by one of two possible techniques within the MAC labs, either ion chromatography or traditional colorimetric techniques. Ion chromatography is the preferred approach. Occasionally the sample composition will cause interference, and colorimetric techniques may be a better choice. Sea water samples would be a good example, as the high chloride content makes ion chromatography an unsuitable technique at times.

  • Analytes & Methods

    Both ion chromatography and the HACH methods can be used to quantify the following: Fluoride, chloride, nitrate, bromide, nitrite, orthophosphate, and sulfate.

  • Available Instrumentation

    • Dionex Aquion: Ion chromatography with eluent suppression and conductivity detection
      (ELIF 211)
    • HACH DR6000 EDU: Ultraviolet/Visible spectrometer for use with HACH Accuvac analyses


  Internal/UA clients External clients
Analysis for one ion $15 $25
Additional ions (each) $2.50 $5
Set-up* $30 $45
Dilution and reanalysis* $5 $10

The costs shown above are estimates, and will be discussed and agreed upon prior to sample analysis.

*A flat rate will be charged for this and is independent of the number of ions requested.
Setup cost reflects the cost of calibration, duplicates, augmented samples, and QC checks.
When sample results exceed the instrument calibration range, a dilution and reanalysis will be required.

Contact us

For further inquiries, or to request an estimate, please email Shane Billings at