Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography is used for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of volatile and semivolatile organics, as well as organic and inorganic gasses. GC/MS is unique in that it offers both identification and quantification of analytes. GC/FID generally offers more sensitivity than the other gas chromatography techniques, but is limited to quantitative analysis. GC/TCD allows us to quantify gasses that are not compatible with GC/FID, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.

  • Analytes & Methods

    Identification of trace level volatiles and semi volatiles. Examples would include polycyclic aromatics, PCBs, pesticides, derivatized herbicides, etc.

    Results are both qualitative and quantitative.

    Gasoline range, diesel range, and residual range organics.

    Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in gas samples. Carbon dioxide fraction of natural gas.

  • Available Instrumentation

    • Thermo Trace 1600 GC with FID and TCD detectors
      (JUB 211)
    • Thermo ISQ 7610 mass spectrometer or GC/MS
      (JUB 211)



  Internal/UA clients External clients
Analysis for one compound $50 $75
Additional compounds (each) $5 $7.50
Set-up* $100 $150
Dilution and reanalysis* $20 $30


  Internal/UA clients External clients
Analysis for one compound $100 $150
Additional compounds (each) $10 $15
Set-up* $200 $300
Dilution and reanalysis* $40 $60

The costs shown above is an estimate, and will be discussed and agreed upon prior to sample analysis.

*A flat rate will be charged for this and is independent of the number of ions requested.
Setup cost reflects the cost of calibration, duplicates, augmented samples, and QC checks.
When sample results exceed the instrument calibration range, a dilution and reanalysis will be required.

Contact us

For further inquiries, or to request an estimate, please email Shane Billings at