WERC- North Slope Hydrology Research Projects

Western Kuparuk Images

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Site Map:
Imnavait Watershed Sites  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Information Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemBasin
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemRidge
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemValley
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemFlume
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemInstrumentation  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemImages

Upper Kuparuk Watershed Sites  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Information
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemU.K. Met
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemU.K. River
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemNorth Headwater
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemEast Headwater
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemWest Headwater
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemUpper Headwater
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemGreen Cabin Lake
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemInstrumentation 
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemImages

Western Kuparuk Sites  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Information
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemWest Kuparuk
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemInstrumentation  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemImages

Eastern Kuparuk Sites  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Information
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSagwon
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemFranklin Bluffs
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemInstrumentation  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemImages

Coastal Plain Sites  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Information
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemBetty Pingo
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemWest Dock
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemPutuligayuk River
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemInstrumentation  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemImages

General Info  
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemNorth Slope Hydrology
Graphic bullet to indicate selection item Main Page Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemIntroduction
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemReferences
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemSite Usage Statistics
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemWERC Home
Graphic bullet to indicate selection itemRelated Links
Name Description View *.jpg
WK Kuparuk River near
West Kuparuk Station
jpeg38.gif - 1140 Bytes *.jpg (89 KB) Rob Gieck, WERC 02/02
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General Reference Format

If you use any of the data presented in this website, we ask you to please reference the author in the following suggested format:

Kane, D.L. and Hinzman, L.D., [year of retrieval], Image data from the North Slope Hydrology Research project. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center. URL: http://ine.uaf.edu/werc/projects/NorthSlope/. Fairbanks, Alaska, variously paged. [month and day of retrieval].

Return to Main WERC page
If you have any questions or comments about this project, contact:

Douglas L. Kane
Tel: (907) 474-7808
Larry D. Hinzman
Tel: (907) 474-7331
All At:
Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Fax: (907) 474-7979

These pages are best viewed with Netscape Ver.2+, or Internet Explorer Ver.3+

URL: http://ine.uaf.edu/werc/projects/NorthSlope/w_kuparuk/images/w_kuparuk_pics.html