The Betty Pingo Station is located at Latitude: 70o 16' 46.3" N, Longitude: 148o 53' 44.5" W about 11.6 meters above sea level. A met station is located at the center of the 8.15 ha. watershed. Radiation and soil temperature information is collected over a wet, marshy location by the main meteorological tower (Betty Wetland/Met) and also from a drier, higher location a few meters away (Betty Upland). The Betty Upland radiation tower coordinates are: 70o 16' 46.9" N and 148o 53' 46.5" W. The study site raingage is located at the Betty Upland Site. Continuous soil moisture data is also collected via a Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) unit (located at 70o 16' 46.7" N and 148o 53' 46" W).
General Reference Format
If you use any of the data presented in this website, we ask you to please reference the author in the following suggested format:
Kane, D.L. and Hinzman, L.D., [year of retrieval], Climate data from the North Slope Hydrology Research project. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center.
URL: Fairbanks, Alaska, variously paged. [month and day of retrieval].