WERC- North Slope Hydrology Research Projects

Near-Real Time Meteorological Data

camera image updates every 15 minutes

WERC 10m met & soil sites in the Kuparuk River watershed:
     Imnavait Basin, Upper Kuparuk, West Kuparuk, Sagwon Hill, Franklin Bluffs, Betty Pingo, West Dock

WERC precip data sites in the Kuparuk River watershed headwaters:
     North HW, East HW, Upper HW, West HW, Green Cabin Lake

WERC seasonal gaging stations in the Kuparuk & Putuligayuk River watersheds:
     Upper Kuparuk River, Imnavait Creek flume, Putuligayuk River

WERC communications repeater & base sites in the Kuparuk River watershed:
     Slope Mtn, Sagwon summit, Slope Mtn/Sag River DOT&PF Station (netcam)

Other WERC environmental data networks with near-real-time data:
     Seward Penninsula, Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed

If you have any questions or comments about this project, contact:
Douglas L. Kane
Tel: (907) 474-7808
Larry D. Hinzman
Tel: (907) 474-7331

Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Fax: (907) 474-7979

Copyright 2002, Water & Environmental Research Center, UAF