WERC- North Slope Hydrology Research Projects

Near-Real Time Meteorological Data

Upper Kuparuk, Upper Headwater Site
68 31 19.8 N 149 20 18.0 W
Friday, November 13, 2009, 2:00 PM AST
Air Temperature:
-25.19 C, -13.3 F
1.7 MPH
Wind Direction:
avg 263 deg, W, inst 240 deg
0 mm
Archived site photograph
Archived Site Photograph

*These values are averaged over the one hour preceding the recorded time.

NOTICE: This information is provisional and raw; data are not yet validated or otherwise checked.

168 HOUR TEXT ROUNDUP latest raw data datalogger program datalogger wiring site directory view

air temperature plot rainfall plot

windspeed plot

WERC 10m met & soil sites in the Kuparuk River watershed:
     Imnavait Basin, Upper Kuparuk, West Kuparuk, Sagwon Hill, Franklin Bluffs, Betty Pingo, West Dock

WERC precip data sites in the Kuparuk River watershed headwaters:
     North HW, East HW, Upper HW, West HW, Green Cabin Lake

WERC seasonal gaging stations in the Kuparuk & Putuligayuk River watersheds:
     Upper Kuparuk River, Imnavait Creek flume, Putuligayuk River

WERC communications repeater & base sites in the Kuparuk River watershed:
     Slope Mtn, Sagwon summit, Slope Mtn/Sag River DOT&PF Station (netcam)

Other WERC environmental data networks with near-real-time data:
     Seward Penninsula, Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed

If you have any questions or comments about this project, contact:
Douglas L. Kane
Tel: (907) 474-7808
Larry D. Hinzman
Tel: (907) 474-7331

Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Fax: (907) 474-7979

Copyright 2002, Water & Environmental Research Center, UAF