Point Project
Lower Kadleroshilik Met Station
Current Conditions
Station Information
Site Description
Station Name: Lower
Kadleroshilik Met Station 
Location: Kadleroshilik River, near the old runway
Coordinates: N 70 4.406 W 147 39.000
(WGS 84/NAD 83)
Elevation: NGVD 1929: 78 ft (24 m)
- Elevation from hand-held GPS
Station History
Sensor Details:
- Wind Speed: RM
Young 05103
- Accuracy: 60.6 mph
- Operating Range: 0 to 60 m/s (0 to 134 mph)
- Starting Threshold: 1 m/s (2.2 mph).
- Height: 3 meters (9.8 feet)
Accuracy: 63°
Operating Range: 0° to 360° mechanical;
(0° to 355° electrical (5° open)
Installation: Align true north.
Height: 3 meters (9.8 feet)
RH Accuracy @20°C: 62% RH ( 0-90%),
63% RH (90-100%)
Temperature Accuracy: 60.2°C at 20°C;
60.4°C at -40°C
- Temperature Range: -40 to +60°C
RH Range: 0 to 100%
- Installation: In 10-plate gill radiation shield, non-aspirated.
- Height: 2 meters (6.6 feet)
- Backup Air Temperature: GWS YSI Series 44033 (Thermistors)
- Operating Range: -80°C to +75°C
- Installation: In 6-plate gill radiation shield, non-aspirated
- Height: 2 meters (6.6 feet)
- Summer Precipitation: Texas
Electronics 525WS (Tipping Bucket Gauge)
- Resolution: 0.01 in
- Accuracy: 61% up to 1 in./hr; +0 to -2.5% for 1 to 2 in./hr
rainfall rates
- Installation: Surrounded by ETI
Alter (wind) shield
- Height: 0.4-0.7 meters (1.3 - 2.3 feet)
- Snow Depth: Campbell
Scientific SR50 (Ultrasonice distance sensor)
- Operating Range: 0.5 to 10 meters
- Resolution: 0.1 mm
- Accuracy: 61 cm or 0.4% of distance to target, whichever
is greater
- Installation: Point straight down on a flat surface
- Height: 1.34 meters (4.4 feet)
- Net Radiation: Kipp
and Zonen NR-Lite
- Installation: Orient to south to minimize shadow effect
from pole.
- Accuracy: Varies with temperature, wind speed and sensor
- Height: 1.24 meters (4.1 feet)
- Soil Temperature (ST1,ST2,ST3) GWS YSI Series 44033 (Thermistors)
- Depths: ~1cm (surface), at top of soil interface, 3 thermistors
- Soil Temperature Profile (STP1,STPn,..,STP12) GWS YSI
Series 44033 (Thermistors)
- Installation: In back-filled bored hole
- Depths: 0-150 cm; 1-12 thermistors (based on actual depth
of bored drill hole)
- Soil Moisture Profile (SM1,SM2,SM3) Campbell
Scientific CS616 Soil-Moisture Probe
- Installation: horizontal orientation in back-filled hole
- Depths: 10, 20, 40 cm
- Datalogger: Campbell
Scientific CR1000
- Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +85°C
- Radio: Freewave
- Frequency: 900 MHz Spread Spectrum