The Green Cabin Lake meteorological station is located in the headwaters of the Upper Kuparuk basin. Sensors are installed on a 3-meter tripod. The station has operated since 1996.
If you use data presented in this website, we ask you to add a reference to your publication in the following recommended format:
Stuefer S.L. and Youcha, E.K., [year of retrieval], Hydrology of Imnavait Creek and Kuparuk River in Alaska. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center. [URL]. Accessed [month, day and year of retrieval].
For example: Stuefer S.L. and Youcha, E.K., 2021. Hydrology of Imnavait Creek and Kuparuk River in Alaska. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center. Accessed July 1, 2021.