
This website provides an overview of hydrologic research datasets of the Imnavait Creek and Upper Kuparuk River watersheds. Data have been collected by the Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). You can find real-time data, archived datasets, photographs, a list of publications, and information about relevant research projects.

This research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs (OPP 1936752), 2020-2025.

Station Map

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Legend: undefined Meteorological Stations | undefined Hydrological Stations | undefined Snow Survey Sites | undefined Discontinued Meteorological Stations

Station Details

Meteorological Stations

Station Name Station ID Region Watershed Elevation (m) Coordinates Features Measured
Imnavait (B Site) Met IB Arctic Alaska Imnavait 897 68° 36' 48" N 149° 19' 3" W AT , RH , WS , WD , R , PB , NR , SR , SD , ST
Green Cabin Lake Met GCL Arctic Alaska Upper Kuparuk 908 68° 32' 1.0" N 149° 13' 47.4" W AT , WS , WD , R
Upper Kuparuk Met UKM Arctic Alaska Upper Kuparuk 778 68° 38' 24.5" N 149° 24' 23.4" W AT , RH , WS , WD , R , PB , NR , SR , SD , ST

Hydrological Stations

Station Name Station ID Region Watershed Elevation (m) Coordinates Features Measured
Imnavait Creek Weir IH Arctic Alaska Imnavait 883 68° 37' 0.6" N 149° 19' 4.3" W SD , WST , WT
Upper Kuparuk River UKH Arctic Alaska Upper Kuparuk 741 68° 38' 34.1" N 149° 24' 12.7" W WST , WT
  • AT = Air Temperature
  • RH = Relative Humidity
  • WS = Wind Speed
  • WD = Wind Direction
  • R = Rainfall
  • PB = Barometric Pressure
  • NR = Net Radiation
  • SR = Solar Radiation
  • SD = Snow Depth
  • SWE = Snow Water Equivalent
  • D = Snow Density
  • ST = Soil Temperature
  • WST = Water Stage
  • WT = Water Temperature

Data Reference Format

If you use data presented in this website, we ask you to add a reference to your publication in the following recommended format:

Stuefer, S.L., and Youcha, E.K., [year of retrieval], Hydrology of Imnavait Creek and Kuparuk River in Alaska. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center. [URL]. Accessed [month, day and year of retrieval].

For example:
Stuefer, S.L., and Youcha, E.K., 2021. Hydrology of Imnavait Creek and Kuparuk River in Alaska. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Water and Environmental Research Center. https://ine.uaf.edu/werc/imnavait. Accessed July 1, 2021.