Foot Hills Project
Imnaviat Mountain Repeater Station (DFR4)
Historical Data
Note: Additional data and plots are available on the Historical Data page.

Station Information

Site Description

Station Name: Imnaviat Mountain Rep Station
Location: Imnaviat Mountain

Coordinates: N 68.76 W 149.41 (WGS 84/NAD 83)
Elevation: NGVD 1929: 3696.5ft (1126 m)


  • Elevation from hand-held GPS

Station History

  • Site Commissioned: ????

Sensor Details:

  • Wind Speed: RM Young 05103
    • Accuracy: 60.6 mph
    • Operating Range: 0 to 60 m/s (0 to 134 mph)
    • Starting Threshold: 1 m/s (2.2 mph).
    • Height: 3 meters (9.8 feet)

  • Wind Direction: RM Young 05103
    • Accuracy: 63°
    • Operating Range: 0° to 360° mechanical; (0° to 355° electrical (5° open)
    • Installation: Align true north.
    • Height: 3 meters (9.8 feet)
  • Datalogger: Campbell Scientific CR1000
    • Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +85°C

  • Radio: Freewave FGR-115RC
    • Frequency: 900 MHz Spread Spectrum
Copyright © 2006 Water and Environmental Research Center