Bullen Point Project
Upper Kadleroshilik Met Station (DBM5)
Current Conditions

Station Photos

Note: Directions are approximate
North is up, arrow points in camera view


Note: Arrows with no associated pictures are inactive. Arrows with pictures will "pop" up a separate browser window with each picture you "click". As you continue to "click" more windows open (each separate arrow), be sure to move them around to see each one. They will open behind each other. Use you right mouse button to click on an image to see its file name.

File naming convention: siteID_direction_[to or from].JPG - to or from indicates direction camera is looking relative to weather station site

Additional Photos

Click photos to see larger versions

Looking south at the pole housing the radiometer and snow depth sensor.

Tipping bucket rain gauge with surrounding Alter shield.

Kipp and Zonen net radiometer, mounted level and oriented toward the south.


The snow depth sensor is mounted away from the main tripod to minimize


A view inside the Texas Electronics TE525WS tipping bucket rain gauge.

View southeast from the station towards the Brooks Range.


Helicopter landing at the site.


Dr. Toniolo in front of the just-completed meteorological pole with the snow depth sensor and radiometer.


View of the completed station from the south.


Distant aerial view of the station.


Another aerial view. The station is toward the top left of the photo.

Photo credit: Michael Lilly
Copyright © 2006 Water and Environmental Research Center