Fish Creek Watershed Observatory

Monitoring Aquatic Habitat in the Context of Land-use and Climate Change Impacts in Arctic Alaska


Fish CAFE: Response of an Arctic Freshwater Ecosystem to Climate and Land-use Change in the Fish Creek Watershed, Beaufort Coastal Plain of Alaska (2012-2016)

Fish for Trees: Using Lake Trout Ear-bones to Reconstruct Changes in Arctic Climate (2013-2016)

ALISS: Arctic Lake Ice System Science (2014-2018)

BLM Aquatic Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) for wadeable lotic systems in the NPR-A (2015-2018)

Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) Ecology and Habitat Use in Arctic Alaska: Spawning Habitat Suitability, Isotopic Niches, Life-History Variations, and Climate Change Risks to Subsistence Fisheries (2015-2020)

Fresh Eyes on Ice: Connecting Arctic Communities through a Revitalized and Modernized Freshwater Ice Observation Network (2019-2024)

Nuiqsut Subsistence Fisheries: Evaluating subsistence harvests of Arctic fishes (2020-2023)

Stream Quantification Tool (SQT) Regionalization for the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska (2021-2023)

Beaded Stream in Study Area

Beaded streams in the Fish Creek Watershed connect overwintering fish habitat in rivers with summer foraging habitat in lakes