WERC- McCall Glacier Research Project

Near-Real Time Meteorological Data

McCall Glacier data sites:
"JJMC" Lower Glacier Site, "Core" Upper Cirque Site, "Firn" Upper Cirque Site, Ahab Repeater Site

Ahab Mtn Repeater/Data Site
Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 1:00 PM AST
Air Temperature:
-9.3 C, 15.2 F
Relative Humidity:
64.94 %
-14.7 C, 5.6 F
average 4.9 MPH, maximum 6.5 MPH
Wind Direction:

142 deg, SE

Battery Voltage:

12.82 VDC

image: images/ahabmet.jpg
Archived Site Photograph

*These values are averaged over the one hour preceding the recorded time.

NOTICE: This information is provisional and raw; data are not yet validated or otherwise checked.

168 HOUR TEXT ROUNDUP plots plots - no links latest raw data datalogger program site directory view

air temperature plot

air relative humidity plot

windspeed plot

battery voltage plot

barometer plot

McCall Glacier data sites:
"JJMC" Lower Glacier Site, "Core" Upper Cirque Site, "Firn" Upper Cirque Site, Ahab Repeater Site

Other WERC environmental data networks with near-real-time data:
     Seward Penninsula, Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed, North Slope Hydrology Projects, North Slope Tundra Lakes Project

We would like to thank the North Slope Borough School District and the administration and staff at the Harold Kaveolook School in Kaktovik for allowing us the use of their facilities in hosting this remote research station data network.

If you have any questions or comments about this project, contact:
Matt Nolan
Tel: (907) 474-2467

Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Fax: (907) 474-7979

Copyright 2002, Water & Environmental Research Center, UAF