The Site Description Database

Site: PJ Site Type: Area Unit: CPCRW
Site Description: This site encompasses the Poker Creek basin above the confluence with Caribou Creek. There is a pressure transducer measuring stream stage, and a string of thermistors measuring water temperature at 0, 10, 20, and 50 cm deep in the stream sediments.
Site Directions: From the field lab trailer, walk south on the road over the Poker Creek bridge. About 20 yards up the road, there is a short path on the left marked with surveyor's tape flagging. This path leads to the PJ site.
Site History: PJ stands for "Poker above the Junction," that is the junction with Caribou Creek.
Site Synonyms: P-J, Poker Creek (in studies that looked at Caribou and Poker Creeks separately), Poker Main

eneral Characteristics:

Topo Map: Livengood A-1
Latitude:   Longitude:  
Study Area:  
Slope Aspect:   Elevation:  
Terrace Height:  
Site Map:   Site Image:  


Vegetation Type:  
Vegetation Description:  


Soil Classification:   Soil Series:   Parent Material:  
Forest Floor Thickness:   Permafrost Presence:  
Soil Profile Description:  


Meteorological Parameters:  


Stream Name: Poker Creek Basin Area:  
Latitude Range:   Longitude Range:  
Stream Length:   Stream Gradient:  
Stream Order:   Stream Width:  
Minimum Elevation:   Maximum Elevation:  
Permafrost Area:  


Data Types:  
Study Forms:  