The Site Description Database

Site: CB Site Type: Area Unit: CPCRW
Site Description: This site is on the Caribou Creek main stem above the confluence with C3, so it is the combination of the C1 and C2 basins. This is an interesting site: it has the only well developed canopy of riparian trees in CPCRW, and it is always the first to thaw in the spring and the last to freeze in the fall.
Site Directions: This site is accessible by all-terrain vehicle or snow machine only. Take a left at the conex, and follow the trail that crosses C4 and heads up the Caribou basin towards C2 and C3. At the fork in the trail (about 3 miles up), take a left towards C3 and the Haystack trail. The trail crosses an open muskeg area in the Caribou Creek valley bottom, then crosses Caribou Creek at the CB site.
Site History: CB stands for Caribou Bridge.
Site Synonyms:

General Characteristics:

Topo Map:
Latitude: Longitude:
Study Area:
Slope Aspect: Elevation:
Terrace Height:
Site Map: Site Image:


Vegetation Type:
Vegetation Description:


Soil Classification: Soil Series: Parent Material:
Forest Floor Thickness: Permafrost Presence:
Soil Profile Description:


Meteorological Parameters:


Stream Name: Basin Area:
Latitude Range: Longitude Range:
Stream Length: Stream Gradient:
Stream Order: Stream Width:
Minimum Elevation: Maximum Elevation:
Permafrost Area:


Data Types:
Study Forms: