

Just in case you ever sort them and find that you want them in their original order.


The actual date the sample was taken (this is only different for ISCO samples - grabs will always correspond).


The date the ISCO bottles were pulled (corresponds to the date on the bottle.
* I have forgotten why this was in there - I think it was so
that if the data entry person had a question on a particular
record (like the tare weight was greater than the dried
weight), he or she could flag that record with an asterisk.
SITE Self-explanatory. You may want to recode into the EPA
codes. I never learned them.
DRAINAGE Codes are in the spreadsheet, and will be printed as footers
on each page when you print out the file.
# The number of replicates taken (we replicated grab samples
on occasion).
TIME The time the sample was taken. When we started, I didn't
realize that Bruce wanted this on the grabs, so this column
will be incomplete. The ISCO times will need to be filled
NUM The bottle number for ISCO data. Should correlate back to
data sheets - the numbers in the circles.
ml The volume of water filtered onto the filter.
PAN# The pan number
TARE The tare weight of the pan and the filter after cooking at
500 deg C.
DRIED The weight of the pan and filter after filtering and drying
at 100 deg C.
ASHED The weight of the filter and pan after drying then cooking
at 500 deg C. This was only done if the amount of sediment
was more than 25 mg/L (so it may show up as a 0).
DW(g) Absolute amount of sediment in grams. From now on, the
cells are formulas referencing other cells. This one is
DW(mg/L) Same, divided by the volume of water it came from. DREID-
TARE/volume of water.
AFDW(g) Absolute amount of organic material (ash-free dry weight) in
ADFW(mg/L) Concentration of organic matter in the water (in mg/L).
%AFDW/DW The percentage of organic matter in the suspended sediment.
DISCHARGE not in yet
LOADING not in yet - should be a function of grams per cubic meter
FTU Turbidity from the Hellige Turbidimeter.
NTU Turbidity from the Hach Nephelometer.