This is the variable table for main1.dat, main2.dat
Variable Description Units</i></b>
Basin Watershed C2 or C3
SiteID Location of sample
Date mm/dd/yy
O+A Depth of organic + A horizons cm
Horizon Soil Horizon see below
SiteType Vegetation type or water source of sample location see below
SO4 Sulfate mg/L SO4
Mg Magnesium mg/L Mg
Ca Calcium mg/L Ca
K Potassium mg/L K
Mn Manganese mg/L Mn
Al Aluminum mg/L Al
Si Silica mg/L Si
NO3-N Nitrate nitrogen mg/L N
NH4-N Ammonium nitrogen mg/L N
Cond Conductivity ?S/cm
DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon mg/L C
DON Dissolved Organic Nitrogen mg/L N

missing data are blank
bdl = below detection limits
0=below detection limits

Horizon Description</i></b>
a A Horizon
b B Horizon
c C Horizon
s Silt - undifferentiated
r Rock

SiteType Description</i></b>
decid Mixed deciduous forest, with some white spruce
valley Valley bottom shrub tundra
spruce Black spruce
spring Spring sample
well Well sample
stream Stream sample

This is the variable table for concmean.dat
Variable Description Units</i></b>
Parameter The parameter being measured or estimated
C2 Mean concentration in C2 (low permafrost) mg/L
C3 Mean concentration in C3 (high permafrost) mg/L

This is the variable table for expmean.dat
Variable Description Units</i></b>
Parameter The parameter being measured or estimated
C2 Annual export from C2 (low permafrost) kg?ha-1?yr-1
C3 Annual export from C3 (high permafrost) kg?ha-1?yr-1

This is the variable table for hydrol.dat
Variable Description Units</i></b>
Parameter The parameter being measured or estimated
C2 Estimate for C2 (low permafrost) given in data file
C3 Estimate for C3 (high permafrost) given in data file