Current Weather

5/9/2001 12:18 ADT. Snow just starting to spit. Skies hazy.

5/9/2001 17:10 ADT. Snow settling in. Socked in.

5/10/2001 11:54 ADT. Has been snowing through the night. Still snowing heavily. Socked in.1 mile visibility.

5/14/2001 10:12 ADT. Bright and sunny. Temperature = 32F. Winds 5 KTS W. Gusts to 9 KTS.

5/19/2001 12:38 ADT. Hazy and sunny. Temperature = 28F. Winds 5 KTS NW. Gusts to 9 KTS. Visibility 11+ miles.

5/23/2001 12:19 ADT. Hazy and sunny. Temperature = 28F. Winds 4 KTS NW. Gusts to 8 KTS. Unlimited visibility.

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