The Animal Report
As of 5/13/2001, no bears spotted close to town yet, although bears spotted in nearby valleys.
5/8/2001. Flying over mid to late afternoon, one to three flocks a day.
5/13/2001. Today is the first big day for sandhill cranes - flock after flock coming through, sometimes stacked only about a mile apart as they come through the valley.
5/19/2001. Two small strings of cranes came through, but looks like most of them have already moved on through.
As of 5/13/2001, two moose have cruised through town so far - pretty slow on the moose.
5/20/2001. One more moose coming down the Niukluk.
5/22/2001. One mama moose and a young one cruise through town.
5/8/2001. Lots of ptarmigan this year! A fair number of them changing color already - heads and bit of tails changing. Still hanging out in large groups, not pairing off yet.
5/12ish/2001. Ptarmigan groups have dispersed.
5/12/2001. First robins showed up.
5/14/2001. First swallows showed up.
5/12/2001. Sculpin spotted in Melsing Creek.
Grayling and Dolly Varden spotted in Niukluk.
Other animal sitings
Fox, porcupines, owl, northern harrier, rough-legged hawk