site TOOLIK-SNOW public variables downloaded at Fri Nov 20 09:05:21 2009 AKDT ' example perl code to get the epoch seconds at start of year: ' $ perl -MTime::Local -e 'print timelocal(0,0,0,1,0,shift),"\n"' 2009 '' control port allocations: '' measured thermistor bridge resistor values, kOhms: '' derived an empirical relation from dataset from -40 to 0C: ' Steinhart & Hart coeff. for YSI 44004 thermistors, 2252 Ohms @ 25C: '' first 7 public variables appear on first keypad screen: '' Geonor variables; prefix gnr: geonor vibrating wire '' misc variables: '' alternate sr50 3-echo mode for both sensors: '' AT thermistors reference R, measured R: '' corrections, so select an appropriate sensor here: '' daily tables: '' hourly tables: '' fixed-size tables, wrap after 5 days: '' table size calculated as: days*minutes_per_day/interval_minutes '' read and process 3 AT thermistors wired to SE14,15,16: '' temperature-corrected distance, negative value: '' offset by assumed sensor height for resultant snowdepth [cm]: '' reset error indicators: '' update filter values if all is ok: '' applied to the time constants: '' arbitrary function used: 1=best, lower=poorer '' start with weighted 1 hour time constant: '' special case: radio turns on at noon regardless of V limits '' turn radio on and read settings from constants: '' measured values of ATB reference resistors: '' copy initial sensor heights into variables: '' seed west sr50 filter values with initial reading: '' seed east sr50 filter values with initial reading: '' turn on the power relay for this transducer: '' tc weighting factor: 1 when WS=0, 5 when WS=15 (arbitrary relation) '' produce for each xdcr: frequency, mm water in bucket, mm change this scan '' clear precip mm event variables: '' using this relation with calibration constants: ' transducer vw3 has a power relay, so skip if not turned on: '' result message includes command (T) and several fixed-width fields: '' check time: subtract tps time (unix epoch) from logger time '' at startup: '' read AT thermistors and Geonor orifice RTD: '' read tps sensors: '' calculate temperature correction factor: '' read each SR50 with 3-echo mode, no multiplier or offset: '' apply tempcorrfactor and convert distances to negative cm: '' hourly: '' 5-day: '' event: '' daily: '' run & log experimental high-speed sampling of geonor xdcrs: