Julie Avery

  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC)
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • PO Box 755910
  • Fairbanks, AK 99775-5910
  • Phone: (907) 474-2726
  • Fax: (907) 474-7979
  • JUB 352
  • jpavery@alaska.edu
Research Interest

Conservation physiology research investigating health of Alaskan mammals.

  • 2008 Doctor of Philosophy, Animal Science, University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Storrs CT
    Dissertation: Evaluation of the somatotropic axis in two marine mammal species with diverse early life history strategies: Influence of physiologic age and nutrition on growth of Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Chair: Steven A. Zinn
  • 2004 Master of Science, Biological Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage, Department of Biological Sciences, Anchorage AK
    Thesis: Ontogeny of total body oxygen stores and aerobic dive potential in the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). Chair: Jennifer M. Burns
  • 2000 Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences, University of Central Florida, Department of Biological Sciences, Orlando FL