• Dynamically downscaled historical and projected climate for the coast and foothills of Arctic Alaska
    • Lei Cai (PhD Candidate, International Arctic Research Center)
    • October 06, 2017
  • Image above: Changes in the average annual precipitation without (upper) and with (lower) downscaled climate simulations.

Obtaining a high quality climatic information has been challenging for the region of Arctic Alaska. A high-resolution model-based dataset was developed specifically for the coastal region and foothills of Arctic Alaska. A dynamical downscaling approach was conducted on both a reanalysis dataset and multi-scenario global climate model output. In addition to the fine spatial resolution, long temporal coverage, and multi-scenario availability, the dataset is derived from a physically-based and dynamic model, compared to the previous, mainly statistical, downscaling products for Alaska. The historical and future climate products are currently informing North Slope hydrological models and land management.

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